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How to Get What You Want

Writer's picture: Angelina A. RinaldiAngelina A. Rinaldi

Updated: May 13, 2020

Do You remember the Article, where we addressed how to get what You want with Your Child? How to introduce Your Child a Healthy Food Options? 

I hope You do. If not, You might find some valuable Insights on how to start with getting what You want. How to get, what You've set Your Mind to.

Let me just repeat once more.. If our Desires, Aims and Wishes are in direct dispute with Someone else's, You can not get over the Fact, that other People have their own Will Power.

We can never accomplish something, and we can not reach a true Success, if that goes over Someone else, and harms that Person.

So, what do we need to keep an Eye on, when wanting to accomplish anything in Life..

Listen to Your Soul

The Soul Knows.

Your Soul Whispers will unveil what Your Heart desires, what You are passionate about. Listen to those Whispers. Stay in touch with them. 

The only true Mistake, we can do in our Lives would be, not listening to our Core Feelings, our deepest Desires. It is like living a Life that would not be Yours. Like You would live Someone else's Life. Because it's easier, not so frightening, stressful, not so demanding, not challenging..

..but on the other Hand, it is also not.. so rewarding, exciting, joyful, playful, and fun.

Your Decision.

Kill Your Fears

Stop Feeding Them.

We all have Fears, Doubts, and Dark Moments. It is how we face them, is what matters. 

When we get swept with Anxiety, Self Doubt, when we feel worthless, we need to stop for a bit, and just listen to them. Feel them. It is completely normal, we have those Feelings, they are like the Darkness, that enables us to see the Light.

Without the Darkness, the Light is pretty useless. Isn't it?

So, now that You truly feel those Feelings, embrace them. Start breathing, and just say to Yourself: "It is completely normalI to feel this. Everybody feels this at some Point in their Lives.. In Reality, most of the People feel that Every single Day. And this is normal too."

Start consciously breathing. Make 10 deep Breath ins. With every Exhale, exhale the Feelings  of Doubt, Fear, Self Sabotage, and any other You might be feeling at that Point.

If You still feel like all those Feelings are going to eat You, after You have exhaled, stop for a while, and say to Yourself: "It is completely normal to feel like this. I am fine. Everything will be alright. Universe watches over me. I am not alone. Never."

You might not feel Your best in that instant Moment, but repeating positive Affirmations to Yourself every single Day, or whenever needed, will change the curse of Your Life.

Whenever I feel like not being myself, whenever I have Doubts, and Insecurities.. I try to remember I am not alone. And that everything in my Life is just as it has to be. 

Keep in Your Mind.. The Challenges were made for us to solve. They were made for us. If we would not be capable of solving them, they would not exist. So, next Time You are faced with a Challenge, try to think of it as a Compliment. Even though You might not like it at that Point. You don't like to climb that Mountain also, but the View at the Top can not be compared to anything else seen at the Ground Level.

Ignite Your Passion

What You Focus on, Expands.

As You are constantly talking with Your Soul, and being connected with Your Essence, not pushing away Your Fears, just eliminating them with breathing, and acknowledgement, Your true Passion will start to unveil.

When You are in a relaxed mode, connected with Your true Purpose, You will feel strong Feelings of Your Callings. You will start to feel what drives You, what ignites You, what Your Desires are.

Listen to it. Stay connected with those Feelings.

It is also perfectly normal, that You fall of the Wagon, and disconnect. We all do. Don't worry, it's a Part of the Process. 

The most important Part when falling off would be, to acknowledge those Feelings of Doubt, Fear, and any other, breath them in, and exhale them out. Don't push them under the Carpet, acknowledge them, and then push them aside. You know they are there, but You are focused on other things.

Remember.. What Your Focus on, expands. We do not want to feed Fear. We are feeding our Passion, our Calling, our Mission, we are feeding our Life Purpose.

It is the only Way. The only Way to be truly successful.

The Vision of Yours

Clarify it.

You were thinking about Your Drives, Passion, Your Calling till now. 

It would be a good Idea to clarify them in a written or Picture Form. For You to see them. The Vision is not mistakenly called like it is.. "Visio" means sight. You sure know that already.

We need to clearly see the Picture. Our Life Picture. The Desires, the Purpose, and the Calling. We need to clearly see our Mission.

What You can do here is a simple Vision Board. In these digital Days, You can simply take Photo Collage, and put together the Pictures, that represent what You wish for. What Your calling is. What You like. Anything from material to non-material Things.

I made like a 5 Picture Collages, when I first made them, as I could not put all on just one, to still be clear enough to see.

On one of them, there was a Book. I'll never forget it. How could I. I still have the Collage Picture, but most of all.. I am holding the Book in my Hands. I materialised it. I worked to made it happen. With the clear Picture, what I want, in my Head. 

You can not imagine the Feelings of Accomplishment, that will swipe You over, as You will start seeing the Things on Your Vision Board slowly starting to manifest. Indescribable.

Try it. You will see what I am talking about.

Take Action

A Vision Without An Action Will Stay a Dream.

Dreams, and Vision without Action, will always just stay Dreams. Just looking at that Hill Top, will never get You there.

Don't get me wrong.. You need to look at it thoroughly, make a Plan how to climb up, what to take with You, look at the Weather Forecast, predict whatever possible it is to predict, and sleep it over first.


When You feel like You have looked over almost every single Aspect, and prepared whatever needed to be prepared, to make a good Plan, slept it over a Period, You probably are ready.

Nevertheless, You probably do not feel like You are.

In Reality, most of the People never feel ready. You are not an exemption. We all felt like this in the Past. We all still do sometimes in certain circumstances.

This is the Point, where Your Self Doubt will start knocking on the Door, and kicking in.

It is important that You have Someone to talk to. A trustworthy Person, that You can relate to, take Advice from, feel connected to. A positive, and credible Person. Not Someone that will feed Your Fears, but the one that will ignite Your Passion. Help You remember why You started with all this in the first Place.

Remembering why You started, helps You stay on track, when You feel like quitting.


Reset Your Route.

Only if needed. To stop a bit. Step back, and to see the great Picture again. Sometimes all the Work just sucks us into small Details, daily Challenges we need to overcome.. And disables us to see why we started at the first Place.

Successful Life

It's like the Computer, that needs to be reset from Time to Time. Nothing special. Just keep it in Your Mind. 

It is also nothing wrong with the Fact, that You will perhaps need to change the Curse of Your Route a bit. It could happen, You will need to shift into a totaly different Direction. Nothing wrong with this one too. It happens.


Nourish Your Grit

It's That Persistence That Gets You There.

The small little Things You do Every single Day towards Your Goal, make the Difference. And if they are small enough, You will not have so much Problems doing them on daily Basis.

10 single Squats are much simpler to do every single Day, as an intense 1 Hour Gym Session, where You need to drive there, search for parking, dress up in Gym gear, etc.. Don't get me wrong, some of Your specific Goals will require You to drive there, as You need the Gym to do them. It does not go any other Way. Like I've said.. It all depends where You are headed, what Your Goals are.

If the long lasting Gym Sessions are required for You to get somewhere, You need to make them a pleasant ones. They need to feel as an Enjoyment, a Reward. Not a daily Obligation, You actualy don't want to do.

Try doing something You don't like for long. Whatever it is. You will not be doing it long.

Nevertheless, there are also the big things that come along, and You will need to do them. They need to be done. If You feel like it or not. 

You know how they say.. If You don't want to show up, show up. Do it. 

It sure helps, You have a supportive Environment. Your Family, significant other, Your Partner, a Person Your can trust. Whoever will do. 

Inhale Your Accomplishments

Refuel Your Drive.

We all need to sit back, and to take the credit for what we have done good till now. Whatever it is.


The Feeling of Accomplishing a Task, even the smallest one, will be Your driving Force. Use it as Your Motivation. The Feeling of Accomplishment is one of the strongest Fuels for our Work.

So, stop for a while, an inhale what You've just done.

Life Cycles Cycle All The Above.

Keep in Mind that Life cycles. What does that mean? In some Parts of the World, we have Seasons.. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. I have deliberately written all of them, not predicting You don't know them. We all know them.

But in real Life.. Do You know them? Do we act according to them?

Winter was probably not meant or us to jump over, and around all the Time. It is the Time to recalibrate, reset, rethink. To internally expand. To sleep more, if needed.

Spring enables new Life to grow. New Ideas to flourish. They reach their full Potential in Summer, and these Ideas start to take their Possition in Autumn, in preparation for another recalibration.

Nature knows. We just need to be sensible enough to feel it.

When You reconnect with Your Essence, and start feeling everything that is going around and inside You, You will feel much fuller. More complete. 

At the End.. All is connected. We are all connected. One does not go on without the other. The Stars can not be seen without the Darkness.

My Words mean nothing, if You do not see them.

Don't forget to remember every single Day, who You are.

How magnificent, and beautiful You are. 

Touching Your Essence.

Angelina A. Rinaldi

High Performance Coach

Holistic Health Practices

National Academy of Sports Medicine

NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist, and Certified Personal Trainer

Successful Life

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